Where to deliver

Flower delivery to Belebey

Roses a la Creme
Roses a la Creme
from 6 940
Roses Mix
Roses Mix
from 7 100
Attractive Mix
Attractive Mix
18 960
11 360
Bouquet of Red Roses
from 7 940
My Jewel
from 8 580
8 740
Gerbera Mix
from 5 740
Only Feelings
from 7 100
51 and 101 Red Rose
from 22 700
White angel
11 940
Yellow roses
from 5 980
Feast of My Heart
from 10 720
51 and 101 White Rose
from 22 700
Colorful Roses Bouquet
from 6 940
Maple syrup
from 4 580
Perfect Pair
from 5 280
New with kahala
from 6 960
My love
from 13 560
Floral Study
14 900
Red and White Duet
from 11 560
All About Love
from 5 960
Red Roses Bouquet
from 5 760
Reason to Smile
from 5 240
Modern classic
from 6 940
My Paris
from 12 920
Tonality of Feelings
from 6 380
the most tender
from 6 380
Lemon Sherbet
from 4 940
Ecuadorian Roses Mix
from 6 920
Ecuadorian Red Roses
from 9 960
Ecuadorian White Roses
from 9 960
Pink Roses Bouquet
from 6 340
Pleasant Chill
9 960
Pryanaya Vanil_
14 190
11 100
Milij Kapriz
11 270
10 870
Nezhnie Sni
20 870
Buket "Romashki"
12 500
Trepetnie Hrizantemi
from 9 340
Zagadaj ZHelanie
16 810
Buket iz Rozovih Roz
from 14 420
Dihanie Vesni
12 050

2 Reviews


It was so nice when the courier from brought me a basket of flowers. I’m in a hospital in the city of Belebey, I’m alone in the ward, it’s boring, and here such a pleasantness from my husband. Thank you so much for doing the most unusual orders.


Being in another city 700 kilometers away, I was able to make a pleasant surprise for my girlfriend with your help! You have never failed.

Delivery in other cities

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
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