Where to deliver

Flower delivery to Bobrov

Roses a la Creme
Roses a la Creme
from 3 820
Roses Mix
Roses Mix
from 3 890
Attractive Mix
Attractive Mix
10 430
6 250
My Jewel
from 4 720
4 810
Gerbera Mix
from 3 160
Only Feelings
from 3 890
51 and 101 Red Rose
from 12 490
White angel
6 570
Yellow roses
from 3 290
Feast of My Heart
from 5 900
Colorful Roses Bouquet
from 3 820
Maple syrup
from 2 520
Perfect Pair
from 2 900
New with kahala
from 3 830
My love
from 7 460
Floral Study
8 200
Red and White Duet
from 6 360
All About Love
from 3 280
Red Roses Bouquet
from 3 170
Reason to Smile
from 2 880
Modern classic
from 3 820
My Paris
from 7 110
Tonality of Feelings
from 3 510
the most tender
from 3 510
Ecuadorian Roses Mix
from 3 810
Ecuadorian Red Roses
from 5 480
Ecuadorian White Roses
from 5 480
Pink Roses Bouquet
from 3 490
Pleasant Chill
5 480

4 Reviews


The flowers delivered looked like they had just been cut from the flower bed, so fresh! I was already afraid that someone would run in and scold me, why am I ruining the front gardens :)


I like everything! I really value good executive services, such as you are now few left, so that both high quality and inexpensive. I wish you to raise the bar of Russian floristry even higher in the new year, competitors will definitely not reach there;)


I was surprised when I found out that you work in Bobrov, and not only in large cities. Ordered, satisfied.

Delivery in other cities

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
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