Where to deliver

Flower delivery to Brut

35 Rubinovih Roz
35 Rubinovih Roz
from 7 455
Milij Kapriz
Milij Kapriz
5 850
from 10 770
Nezhnie Rozi
from 7 785
Klenovij Sirop
from 5 970
Buket Krasnih Roz
from 7 110
35 Krasochnih Roz
from 7 455
Utro v Verone
from 8 985
Buket Rozovih Roz
from 7 680
8 505
Strastnie Rozi
from 8 055
Pryanaya Vanil_
9 555
Ti v Moyom Serdtce
from 8 985
8 055
Rozovij Krem
from 5 520
Buket iz Rozovih Roz
from 12 270
Trepetnie Hrizantemi
from 5 385
Aromati Bordo
from 8 190
Garmoniya Prirodi
from 6 300
Krasno-belij Duet
from 12 765
Krasnie Rozi i Eustomi
from 8 205
Malinovij Puding
from 26 220
Sirenevoe Nebo
5 340
Raduzhnie Gerberi
from 5 955
6 570
Frantcuzskoe Kruzhevo
from 8 970
Rozi a-lya Krem
from 8 265
Limonnij SHerbet
from 6 315
Belie Rozi
from 5 520
Rajskie Rozi
from 9 870
YArkie Al_stromerii
from 5 190
39 900
11 520
Nezhnie Sni
27 825
8 850
Amur i Psiheya
from 7 905
Buket iz Krasnih Roz
from 9 240
Persikovij Sad
13 905
Belij Angel
13 140
Rozi Misti Babls
12 750
Tol_ko CHuvstva
from 8 400

4 Reviews


Thank you so much for such a wonderful opportunity to give a gift to a loved one when you yourself are very far away. We ordered a bouquet of wonderful flowers in Brut, they brought it quickly, the flowers are fresh and beautiful!


I do not like to leave reviews, but I am so pleased with the efficiency and courtesy of the staff that I decided to write! They brought it, handed it over, everything was like watching a romantic movie. You are cool!


Very pleased with your work. You are a super service worthy of the title of "#1" in the flower business. Thank you very much for your work!

Delivery in other cities

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
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