- Flowers delivery to Bryansk
- Nezhnoe Poslanie
Nezhnoe Poslanie
3 595 ₽
Free of chargeThe bouquet selection depends on the city: Bryansk
3 595 ₽
We accept bank cards of any countries for payment:
Or call us:
8 (800) 200-40-70 (Bryansk)

If the recipient won't like the bouquet and you will inform us of that matter within 24 hours, the bouquet will be replaced free of charge.
Bouquet composition
2 pc. Хризантема кустовая
3 pc. Гипсофила
1 pc.Bouquet description
V nashi shiroti hrizantema "prishla" s Vostoka - iznachal_no ona kul_tivirovalas_ tol_ko v Kitae. Prichem svedeniya ob etom rastenii datiruyutsya 551 g. do n.e. I segodnya v kitajskoj kul_ture eto odno iz "chetireh blagorodnih rastenij", naryadu s tcvetkami slivi, orhideyami i bambukom
Popular categories

3 595 ₽