Where to deliver

Flower delivery to Dmitrov

from 10 550
Frantcuzskoe Kruzhevo
Frantcuzskoe Kruzhevo
from 8 000
Persikovij Sad
Persikovij Sad
9 650
Nezhnie Sni
15 200
Belie Rozi
from 2 680
Rajskie Rozi
from 6 800
9 650
28 250
Nezhnie Rozi
from 5 900

Our company helps to congratulate people dear to you, bring them joy and happiness. Flower delivery in Dmitrov will be made by experienced couriers. Bouquets and floral compositions will be made by first-class florists of our company. Flower delivery will be performed in the shortest time period. Our couriers will present flowers to your beloved ones. You can send a beautiful postcard along with flowers.

We have magnificent high-quality bouquets and flower boxes. Another advantage of ours is low prices for services. We offer the optimal price ratio.

You can choose a bouquet or floral arrangement for any occasion. You can be sure your loved ones will receive your congratulations, regardless of how far they are.

2 Reviews


Delivered a bouquet for mom in Dmitrov. I really liked that the courier told me that he was coming. Then he called and asked if it was possible to dial the intercom, if the household members were sleeping. Excellent service, I'm delighted.


Since my mother and I live in different cities, the usual congratulations on her birthday were via Skype. I wanted to make an unexpected surprise. Everything turned out as planned - the courier rang the doorbell without prior warning and handed luxurious fresh roses and an armful of balloons. Mom is excited :)

Delivery in other cities

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
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