Where to deliver

Flowers to wish success to Furmanov 

Roses a la Creme
Roses a la Creme
from 5 210
Roses Mix
Roses Mix
from 5 310
Attractive Mix
Attractive Mix
14 220
8 520
6 560
Gerbera Mix
from 4 310
51 and 101 Red Rose
from 16 990
White angel
8 960
Yellow roses
from 4 490
Feast of My Heart
from 7 990
Maple syrup
from 3 440
New with kahala
from 5 220
Floral Study
11 180
All About Love
from 4 470
Reason to Smile
from 3 930
Modern classic
from 5 210
My Paris
from 9 690
Lemon Sherbet
from 3 710
Ecuadorian Red Roses
from 7 470
Pink Roses Bouquet
from 4 760
Pleasant Chill
7 470
Bez slov
20 900
Rozovij Krem
from 8 400
Raduzhnie Gerberi
from 7 700
Nezhnie Rozi
from 6 290
Klenovij Sirop
from 6 500
Buket iz Krasnih Roz
from 8 060
35 Rubinovih Roz
from 16 300
Aromati Bordo
from 10 250

Delivery in other cities

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
TOO "Florist.kz"
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