Where to deliver

Flower delivery to Izobilny

Aromati Bordo
Aromati Bordo
from 6 091
Strastnie Rozi
Strastnie Rozi
from 5 720
Belie Rozi
Belie Rozi
from 5 580
21 321
Belij Angel
Belij Angel
7 601
Buket Belih Roz
from 4 820
8 311
Rajskie Rozi
from 5 921
35 Rubinovih Roz
from 8 030
Milij Kapriz
4 120
Pryanaya Vanil_
7 001
from 5 101
Trepetnie Hrizantemi
from 3 620
Gortenziya Miks
from 4 791
YArkie Al_stromerii
from 4 091
Malinovij Puding
from 18 111
Ideal_naya Para
from 4 120
Buket Rozovih Roz
from 4 820
35 Krasochnih Roz
from 8 120

2 Reviews


I really liked the bouquet "Rio de Janeiro", it helps to disperse the autumn point in warmth and sun. Brought to Izobilny quickly, collected as if in the best floristic boutiques in Brazil;)


Thanks for taking care of me. They called and warned in advance that there would be a replacement of flowers in the bouquet. The new one is even better than the original!

Delivery in other cities

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
TOO "Florist.kz"
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