Where to deliver

Flower delivery to Lomy

Roses a la Creme
Roses a la Creme
from 4 510
Roses Mix
Roses Mix
from 4 600
Attractive Mix
Attractive Mix
12 320
7 380
My Jewel
from 5 580
5 680
Gerbera Mix
from 3 730
Only Feelings
from 4 600
51 and 101 Red Rose
from 14 760
White angel
7 760
Yellow roses
from 3 890
Feast of My Heart
from 6 970
Colorful Roses Bouquet
from 4 510
Maple syrup
from 2 980
Perfect Pair
from 3 430
New with kahala
from 4 520
My love
from 8 810
Floral Study
9 690
Red and White Duet
from 7 510
All About Love
from 3 870
Red Roses Bouquet
from 3 740
Reason to Smile
from 3 410
Modern classic
from 4 510
My Paris
from 8 400
Tonality of Feelings
from 4 150
the most tender
from 4 150
Lemon Sherbet
from 3 210
Ecuadorian Roses Mix
from 4 500
Ecuadorian Red Roses
from 6 470
Ecuadorian White Roses
from 6 470
Pink Roses Bouquet
from 4 120
Pleasant Chill
6 470
35 Krasochnih Roz
from 19 200
from 9 710
Milij Kapriz
9 650
35 Rubinovih Roz
from 16 700
Ti v Moyom Serdtce
from 10 600
Pudrovie Rozi
from 19 670
YArkie Al_stromerii
from 7 260
Ideal_naya Para
from 8 460
35 Krasochnih Roz
from 19 170
Strastnie Rozi
from 9 600
Buket Rozovih Roz
from 9 260
Buket Belih Roz
from 14 020

3 Reviews


We coped with the delivery to Lomy with a bang! I always use only your services, you are the best in the business! It doesn't matter where to deliver it, to a neighboring street or to the North Pole - you can do it all!


I decided to wish my mother a happy birthday and ordered flowers on your website, since I am in another city. The order was processed quickly and the operators were kind. Nice to cooperate with you!


You are just magicians disguised as Florist.ru!;) Joy, happiness and good mood - not only flowers come to our house with you;)

Delivery in other cities

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
TOO "Florist.kz"
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