Where to deliver

Flower delivery to Murmansk

from 5 113
7 500
Gortenziya Miks
Gortenziya Miks
from 4 450
Malinovij Puding
Malinovij Puding
from 5 638
Amur i Psiheya
Amur i Psiheya
from 8 688
Strastnie Rozi
from 4 388
Nezhnie Sni
23 450
Lyubimie Podsolnuhi
from 5 488
from 11 388
Nezhnie Rozi
from 4 388
Ideal_naya Para
from 3 700
Buket iz Irisov
from 4 513
Raduzhnie Gerberi
from 8 575
4 950
Milij Kapriz
5 888
Rajskie Rozi
from 4 325
Utro v Verone
from 7 700
Buket Krasnih Roz
from 3 950
YArkie Al_stromerii
from 4 300
Lyubov_ Moya
from 7 075
Belij Angel
7 638
Frantcuzskoe Kruzhevo
from 7 250
5 225
6 450
Limonnij SHerbet
from 3 788
35 Rubinovih Roz
from 11 450
Sirenevoe Nebo
4 313
Krasno-belij Duet
from 5 450
7 388
Buket iz Rozovih Roz
from 4 388
35 Krasochnih Roz
from 11 450
Garmoniya Prirodi
from 5 875
Buket iz Krasnih Roz
from 4 388
Belie Rozi
from 4 388
Klenovij Sirop
from 4 300
Buket Rozovih Roz
from 3 950
Trepetnie Hrizantemi
from 2 350
Ti v Moyom Serdtce
from 6 038
Krasnie Rozi i Eustomi
from 9 388
Tol_ko CHuvstva
from 4 288
Brusnichnij Mors
from 5 125

18 Reviews


Have you tried ordering an exotic bouquet for your wife in Murmansk? I do. And I will say that will cope with such questions once or twice! Brought quickly, put together impressively. I will use your services again! Well done!


Not the first time I used this delivery service, but every time - a holiday! They will always bring a bright bouquet, always smile and congratulate. Great team of professionals!


The quality of services is always top notch! My recipients in Murmansk are glad that I chose your service, they say that they have already received bouquets from several times, and such deliveries are always a holiday!

Delivery in other cities

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
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