Where to deliver

Flower delivery to Myski

Rozi Misti Babls
Rozi Misti Babls
11 800
Krasno-belij Duet
Krasno-belij Duet
from 10 320
Klenovij Sirop
Klenovij Sirop
from 5 550
Buket Krasnih Roz
Buket Krasnih Roz
from 5 900
Garmoniya Prirodi
Garmoniya Prirodi
from 6 560
6 200
from 6 500
Buket iz krasnih roz
from 5 800
Buket iz Rozovih Roz
from 8 200
YArkie Al_stromerii
from 5 500
Nezhnie Sni
17 200
Malinovij Puding
from 10 200
Sirenevoe Nebo
5 400
Krasnie Rozi i Eustomi
from 10 400
Buket Belih Roz
from 7 300
Brusnichnij Mors
from 6 560
Ti v Moyom Serdtce
from 7 710
Milij Kapriz
6 590
Strastnie Rozi
from 7 380
Trepetnie Hrizantemi
from 4 390
Rozovij Krem
from 6 890
Lyubov_ Moya
from 10 350
Tol_ko CHuvstva
from 6 250
6 890
Ideal_naya Para
from 5 170
Raduzhnie Gerberi
from 8 200

2 Reviews


I have only positive feedback about your work - no delivery problems, responsive service. You can choose flowers for any wallet. Ordered in Myski, the recipient was very pleased!


The joy that your bouquets bring is always genuine! Yesterday the courier brought a surprise - I still can't stop looking at your bouquet! A person dear to my heart gave me with your help a personal box of happiness in the apartment;)

Delivery in other cities

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
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