- Flowers delivery to Pochep
- Pastel_
9 575 ₽
Free of chargeThe bouquet selection depends on the city: Pochep
9 575 ₽
We accept bank cards of any countries for payment:
Or call us:

If the recipient won't like the bouquet and you will inform us of that matter within 24 hours, the bouquet will be replaced free of charge.
Bouquet composition
3 pc. Альстромерия
2 pc.Рускус
3 pc. Эквадорская роза 50 см
3 pc. Хризантема кустовая
1 pc.Bouquet description
Nezhnij buket iz mattioli,al_stromerii,hrizantemi i rozi-eto stiml_nij i elegantnij podarok,kotorij podojdet dlya lyubogo povoda.
Popular categories

9 575 ₽