
Buket frantcuzkih roz

Frantcuzkie rozi
6 190 ₽
Free of charge
The bouquet selection depends on the city: Sestroretsk
6 190 ₽
We accept bank cards of any countries for payment:
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Quality assuredQuality assured

If the recipient won't like the bouquet and you will inform us of that matter within 24 hours, the bouquet will be replaced free of charge.

Bouquet composition
Роза эквадор 50 см
25 pc.

Bouquet description

Buket v korobke 25 sht - ideal_nij vibor dlya prazdnichnogo ukrasheniya, kotorij prineset radost_ i atmosferu torzhestva. Etot monobuket iz gipsofili, izvestnoj svoej iziskannost_yu i dolgovechnost_yu, sozdan dlya teh, kto tcenit prostotu i elegantnost_. Kazhdaya iz 25 tcvetochnih edinitc v korobke - eto simvol vnimaniya i uvazheniya k vazhnim momentam zhizni. Gipsofila, s eyo nezhnimi lepestkami i priyatnim aromatom, stanet zamechatel_nim dopolneniem k lyubomu prazdnichnomu nastroeniyu, bud_ to svad_ba, den_ rozhdeniya ili yubilej. Vibirajte buket v korobke 25 sht dlya togo, chtobi vashe torzhestvo bilo osobennim i zapominayushimsya.

Popular categories

Buket frantcuzkih roz
6 190 ₽

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