Where to deliver

Flower delivery to Sorsk

Buket Belih Roz
Buket Belih Roz
from 9 230
Milij Kapriz
Milij Kapriz
9 429
YArkie Al_stromerii
YArkie Al_stromerii
from 8 150
Krasnie Rozi i Eustomi
from 9 470
Mishka v rozah
8 840
Vechernij kapriz
13 650
nezhnoe utro
15 950
Okean chuvstv
9 950
Rozovie rozi
8 230
35 Rubinovih Roz
from 13 400
Rozovij Krem
from 8 860
nezhnoe utro
13 650
Tol_ko CHuvstva
from 9 440
9 200
siyanie vesni
9 800
Buket iz Krasnih Roz
from 8 300
from 10 550
7 630
Strastnie Rozi
from 10 750
vesennij den_
8 000
Sirenevoe Nebo
8 420
Nezhnie Rozi
from 10 610
Raduzhnie Gerberi
from 9 880
Trepetnie Hrizantemi
from 7 970
Rozi a-lya Krem
from 10 450
Buket Rozovih Roz
from 9 230
Buket iz Irisov
from 8 180
Sbornij buket
9 150
Belij Angel
12 050
Garmoniya Prirodi
from 9 430
Krasno-belij Duet
from 12 350
10 750
oranzhevoe vdohnovenie
from 12 250

3 Reviews


This is not the first time I order delivery from you, and I want to say that I am very pleased with the flowers! You deliver on time, the bouquet always corresponds to what is on the site. And yesterday's order in Sorsk did not let us down. Everything is awesome!


Thanks to florists! I ordered a regular one, but received an incredibly beautiful bouquet!;) The recipients are shocked. Already a week since they brought, and the flowers are still standing!


I wanted to make a special gift to my beloved on February 23rd. My husband liked everything, but he rarely admits such things. Thank you! Very easy, by the way, chose, delivered right on time. Hope they last a long time.

Delivery in other cities

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
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