- Flowers delivery to Taraz
- Bouquet of 101 white roses.
Bouquet of 101 white roses.
If the recipient won't like the bouquet and you will inform us of that matter within 24 hours, the bouquet will be replaced free of charge.
Recommended for the bouquet
Bouquet description
A surprisingly delicate and at the same time luxurious bouquet of white roses is a stylish way to express your feelings. This chic floral compliment will be appreciated by a true lady, because it is a real symbol of femininity and pristine beauty from time immemorial. Fragrance and elegance of lines, sophistication and regal appearance, charm and freshness - all this is carried by these excellent flowers 80 centimeters high. Large bouquets of roses make you understand and feel those colossal emotions that take your breath away and which cannot be expressed in words, they are able to convey boundless love and tenderness, warmth and affection, care and respect. A woman of any age and status will be delighted with such beauty!
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