Where to deliver

Flower delivery to Vorotynets

Roses a la Creme
Roses a la Creme
from 3 470
Roses Mix
Roses Mix
from 3 540
Attractive Mix
Attractive Mix
9 480
5 680
My Jewel
from 4 290
4 370
Gerbera Mix
from 2 870
Only Feelings
from 3 540
51 and 101 Red Rose
from 11 350
White angel
5 970
Yellow roses
from 2 990
Flower Tango
2 880
Feast of My Heart
from 5 360
Colorful Roses Bouquet
from 3 470
Maple syrup
from 2 290
Perfect Pair
from 2 640
New with kahala
from 3 480
My love
from 6 780
Floral Study
7 450
Red and White Duet
from 5 780
All About Love
from 2 980
Red Roses Bouquet
from 2 880
Reason to Smile
from 2 620
Modern classic
from 3 470
My Paris
from 6 460
Tonality of Feelings
from 3 190
the most tender
from 3 190
Lemon Sherbet
from 2 470
Ecuadorian Roses Mix
from 3 460
Ecuadorian Red Roses
from 4 980
Ecuadorian White Roses
from 4 980
Pink Roses Bouquet
from 3 170
Pleasant Chill
4 980

4 Reviews


It is difficult to give gifts to those who already have everything. In this situation, my brother's wife for her birthday (they live in Vorotynets) ordered flowers and a teddy bear. The effect of surprise took its toll: you don’t often see such amazement, smoothly turning into joy!


I like that your employees are really punctual. I was convinced of this from my own experience: I have already ordered bouquets for relatives several times, the courier was always at the specified time.


Thank you for the professional approach to creating bouquets - it's a pleasure to give such a gift! The combination of colors, their overall composition, aromas - everything is on top! Thank you for your work in Vorotynets.

Delivery in other cities

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
TOO "Florist.kz"
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