- Flowers delivery to Zelenograd
- zhozefina
7 000 ₽
8 650 ₽
20 875 ₽
Free of chargeThe bouquet selection depends on the city: Zelenograd
8 650 ₽
We accept bank cards of any countries for payment:
Or call us:
Quality assured
If the recipient won't like the bouquet and you will inform us of that matter within 24 hours, the bouquet will be replaced free of charge.
Bouquet composition
Розовая кустовая роза 50 см
19 pc.Экалипт
5 pc.Дизайнерская упаковка
Bouquet description
Etot chudesnij buket sostoit iz 18 kustovih roz, kotorie ideal_no dopolnyayut drug druga svoimi nezhnimi ottenkami. Kazhdaya roza viglyadit kak nastoyashee proizvedenie iskusstva blagodarya svoej krasote i izyashnoj forme. Buket budet upakovan v stil_nuyu dizajnerskuyu upakovku, kotoraya podcherknet ego iziskannij vid i sdelaet podarok eshe bolee vpechatlyayushim. Etot buket stanet prekrasnim podarkom dlya lyubogo torzhestvennogo sobitiya ili prosto dlya togo, chtobi poradovat_ blizkih i rodnih.
Popular categories

8 650 ₽